
Thursday, April 30, 2009

ALL WE NEED IS POSITIVITY: Enough of the strife and negativity in this BIG WORLD!

Becoming cynical and jaded is common in a world where deaths, suffering, war, chaos and a lot of bad things are on every television and newscast everyday. Nowadays, people are not focused in growing and living in a harmonious life. There are a lot of things and factors that affect our life in this modern day. It is possible to improve your outlook on life by taking stock of the good things, and learning to take care of what you have.

My outlook on life is that we should not take for granted one day of life. It will pass quicker than you realize. Why not value it and learn something from every day you've been given? Appreciate those in your life and make sure that they know they mean something to you now. Don't waste your time with people whose main purpose in life is to tear down others. Eventually it will discourage you and make you feel miserable inside. Open your eyes and heart to what life has to offer. It is not all rosy and easy, but life is to be valued. Try to see the little blessings around you that really can't be bought with money. Try to make someone feel special who may not quite fit in, such as that person who is a little different, maybe is a little slower (the one the unkind people make fun of) maybe the one who has to live with disabilities, or is aged.You will feel great inside and a better human being for being kind. Try to learn what your talents are in life and use them for the good and maybe you'll inspire someone.

Someone once asked me if I was a pessimist or an optimist, and I replied that I was an optimist— because I had read the last chapter of the Bible. In other words, I'm not an optimist because I think the world is going to get better and better, because it's not. In some ways, of course, our world is a better place to live than it was a few centuries ago; I'm thankful for all the scientific and medical advances that have been made. But in other ways the world is not getting better; the last century saw the most devastating wars in history, and there is no reason to believe this new century will be any better.

We need to be positive all the time. We really don’t know what will happened in the future and I believe that what happened to us in the past means a lot in dealing with what we are experiencing today. Again live life to the fullest and seize every second of your life. Continue breathing and always follow your heart and be happy all the time. Consider other people that they are being a part of your journey in life.
Mwah!!! Love you guys...CIAO...


"The Greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain". Loving is a feeling that brings both joy and pain in the heart. Joy from being with people you loved, being filled with an emotion so deep and tender that no other feeling can compare, you feel secured and safe. Pain on the other hand, knowing that you're so in love, more vulnerable than you've ever imagine.

Ache, gripe, hurt, misery, pang, paroxysm, prick, sting, stitch, strain, throb, throe, tingle, torment, torture... anything you have to say about pain? Everyone of us can feel pain and are vulnerable to it. Yes its a true, fact that we a very complex being has a sure point of weakness, one thing that would tear me down and bring a hurtful teaching. This pain cannot be seen in the flesh like a wound after falling, the scars does not heal like a scratch wound or inflammation, this scar remain forever in our heart and time comes when it will bleed again, again and again. Rejection, failures in studies, failure in love, failure in different areas, relationship problems, disappointment's, rage, depression, sorrow, the silent tears that hides it self in me. Sometimes I really feel so weak that I don't have the capacity to handle situations. With all the aggravations and suffering in the world. I am not saying that living would brings me agony in life but as human we will be experiencing pain.

I experience this in my life, the human race have this common pain yet I don't seem to learn not to inflict it to others, instead of helping I make it worse, instead of being concern, I reject out of fear of being too concern to a depressed person, scared that they will just get themselves in a whole lot of trouble. How utterly ridiculous I can be sometimes and I am not saying I don't do it myself sometimes, I cant deny that I all have at least done something hurtful to someone else either consciously or not. Yes I am not that perfect, but I guess everyone does. I am not solely the one who feel this. I guess being aware of what I so with other people limit me to get involve more deeper with them. I admit that I my self I do have shortcomings and done havoc in other people's life.

The funny thing is how come when I try to help that friend in need, sometimes I don't know that all they want is an earpieces for just a while and not a microphone to point out the obvious mistake they already know they are facing. Its good I am, at least trying to help that someone but please don't tell them cliche thing, they already know it all, just sit and listen, if need be given them a crying shoulder or a hug, cause that's what they really need in this kind of time. The irony of it is, I also need that thing... Why I always ended up the one helping and listen to other people that I am also really needs it. Another clear thing is how I tend to make matters worse sometimes and I can be a witness to that, once I had some problems with the 'bird n bees' ahem! I was baffled how come I tend to lose out the girl I meet, so I went into a period of disappointment, my friends were very kind by showing me support, trying to comfort me. But what made me very upset is after that she herself went to get a boyfriend and starts to show off in front of me. I don't have a grudge against her but this makes me want to be better than her. My whole point is I know the pain that I go through, I can't help each other to get through this stage of hurt and suffering, can't help these people? Cant help them with their problems? Then all I can live life peacefully and happily. Do the pain is unseen but it has a great effect on that someone, like I say it can even kill someone.

One of the many basic questions on every human’s heart in life, especially as it relates to God, has to deal with pain and suffering. Why does God allow pain and suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? I guess this makes us human... to feel pain... and in the end of the day learn and be stronger and better for the future. Feel free to respond if you agree, disagree, or have thoughts of your own about the issue that I address. But I thing I am certain... I am living in pain... not necessarily on loving someone but the totality of being a person, being an individual, being human... ITS UNAVOIDABLE CURSE SO YOU MUST DEAL WITH IT.


Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die." This is in accordance to DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, but for you what is FREEDOM? The state of being free? Exemption from the power and control of another? FREEDOM is" LIBERTY and INDEPENDENCE?

In our present time we are fortunate to live as FREEMEN as they say. If we recollect our own HISTORY, In every NATION'S HISTORY we could see suffering, bondage, injustice, violence, remorse, agony and a lot more. Every NATION, every COUNTRY have it's own GLORIOUS PAST for FREEDOM. As to the PHILIPPINES that has been COLONIZED by SPAIN for more than 300 YEARS, UNDER by AMERICANS, HOSTAGE by the JAPANESE, what we are now today? EVERYTHING in the PAST is HISTORY for now but what we are TODAY? FILIPINOS are FREE! ARE WE? During my GRADE SCHOOL I was able to have this SPEECH memorized which until now is very clear to my consciousness. VERY VIVID that embarked to my HEART. A piece from RAUL MANGLAPUS. Please read and understand:

Land of Bondage, Land of the Free

By: Raul Manglapus

The tao does not come here tonight to be judged -- but to judge! Hear then his accusation and his sentiments:

I indict the Spanish encomendero for inventing taxes impossible to pay!

I indict the usurer for saddling me with debts impossible to bear!

I indict the irresponsible radical leaders who undermine with insidious eloquence the confidence of my kind in our government!

I indict the haciendero for seizing my lands with subtle trickery and reducing me to peonage!

I indict him for sacrificing the honest efforts of an honest government on the altar of his illimitable greed!

You accuse me of IGNORANCE. But I am IGNORANT because my master finds it profitable to keep me ignorant. Free me from bondage, and I shall prove you false!You accuse me of INDOLENCE. But I am INDOLENT not because I have no will, but because I have no hope.Why should I labor if the fruits of my labor go to extinguish and inextinguishable debt! Free me from bondage, and I will prove you false! GIVE ME LAND. LAND TO OWN. Land unbeholden to any tyrant. LAND THAT WILL BE FREE. Give me land for I am starving. Give me land that my children will not die.Sell it to me. Sell it to me at a fair price as one free man sells to another. And not as a usurer sells to a slave.

I AM POOR. But I will pay it! I will work and work until I fall with weariness for my privilege and my right to be free!

But if you will not grant me this last request. This ultimate demand, then build a wall around your house... build it high!... build it strong!... place a sentry on every parapet... for I who have been silent these three hundred years, will come in the night when you are feasting, with my cry and my bolo at your door...And may God have mercy on your soul!

Though this was intended to the conquerors the colonizers, this might be applicable to our present times. I believed we are still oppressed and tortured. We are still fighting for that light. We are still searching for our own IDENTITY for our OWN SELF as FILIPINOS. We may be lucky enough to have this so called DEMOCRACY, but let us be vigilant still, be intelligent enough for there is no one who can help our selves but us FILIPINOS.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I've been in a situation before that I really wanted to end up everything. Seems like the world suddenly stop. That everything in me is ugly, unpleasant and undesirable. The people around me seems to be doesn't exist. My life stops, I'm in a most chaotic situation of my life. I don't know what to do. I'm on the most turbulent part of my voyage.

I said that none of this things will happened if I just have been careful with my actions and decisions that I have made before, but I have nothing to do with it. It is already there, I can't turn back time. It is impossible, sometimes I just keep on thinking things I really wanted to happened. What if? The only question giving me the freedom to escape from reality. Question that somehow in a little time, in a little way made me think that I still have hope. That somehow made me see my self better and see my actions and decisions as great as God's wisdom.

I haven't seen my friends for a while, and I am afraid that somehow they will forgot about a person that have been a part of their life. I'm scared to be left behind. I'm scared to be alone. I'm afraid to be in total darkness. My life is full of questions, unknown and never been answered. LIFE... A very BROAD thing...So hard to understand, so hard to dwell with, so hard to deal with, so hard to handle. You always try to be strong, try to believe, try to defy, try to pursue life as it is. I guess life is a continuous journey, a struggle of different chapters that you need to be filled in with learning, with pain, with suffering, with joy, with a lot of things to be worthwhile. You will say that sometimes you've done everything but in the end it will leave you with nothing, you need to share it with others without asking them something in return. In the end of the day if you've been treated badly and been hurt, you can say to your self that you have given your self to others and that you tried. It may sound so stupid but that's the reality. Life is a game, a race you lose or you win...others do everything, anything in order to win, whatever it takes. But for me, in the end of the day even though a looseeeeeeeeeer (not exactly), I am proud to say that I've been able to compete well and fairly.

I don't know how to end this up... LIFE? Hmm... that's how it goes....In life, we always search for answers because we want to prove ourselves that we had the right decisions, but the truth is we can't search for what's not there. Things happen because they're meant to happen. That's why we forgive people who don't love us and we smile despite every painful crash in our hearts. At the end of the day, the lessons you get are the answers to your decisions. These are the things that makes me as well as you a BETTER and a STRONGER PERSON.


My interest lies in my self - expression; what inside of me and not what I'm in. By all means, self - expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment. I am now starting a new BLOG SITE which will tackled on different issues and topics about LIFE, LOVE, PERSONALITY, MYSELF, THE WORLD, PEACE, ENVIRONMENT, RELIGION, POLITICS and anything under the SUN. I am here not to impress anybody but to express my self. I want to be HEARD and may able to give ENLIGHTENMENT to others as well as to EDUCATE my self.

I believed that he adorned whatever subject he either spoke or wrote upon, by the most splendid eloquence. For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, "It might have been". REGRETS in LIFE, FRUSTRATIONS, ANGST, LOVE, DESIRE and any EMOTION must be EXPRESSED.In any culture, subculture or family in which belief is valued above thought, and self surrender is valued above self - expression, and conformity is valued above integrity, those who preserve their self - esteem are likely to be heroic EXPRESSIONS. We deal with our own self, with our own persona that will affect people around us. Its up to us to see whether we are here to HELP or to DESTROY HUMANITY and the WORLD. Happiness is an expression of the soul in considered actions. With this actions we are affecting each and every creature in the WORLD. With our own little way we can change the WORLD. In this way, in our own little way we CAN.

In many ways we can express our selves the important thing is that we deliver the message and be understand by the people. In this case BLOGGING may be one of the best tool I can use to express my self. I amy be wrong or right to what I say, I am proud to say that I stood for wht I believe and I speak up with my mind.

Let me WELCOME you all to my LITTLE WORLD of self - expression and let us respond to what the WORLD calls. I am humbly, greatful, honored and delighted to SHARE my insights, aspirations, goals and dreams.