The thing that can never be frozen.
It's precious for us to sold.
It's ending not yet unfold.

Don't waste it like it was a piece of meat.
Show your love. Don't be shy.
Because you can never bring back the time that has gone by.
It's all about self expression "I AM HERE TO EXPRESS AND NOT TO IMPRESS"
Our relationships with other people probably cause more stress and anxiety than any other single factor in our life. Conflicts in the workplace, in the street, in the neighborhood, in the home, in our schools, government, churches and organizations aggravate, annoy and provoke anxiety in most of us fairly regularly. Rudeness, incivility, lawsuits and violence are increasingly common responses to the inevitable differences that arise in relationships.
The world's spiritual traditions find rare agreement in their answer to this universal problem. Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism all contain a version of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Most of our present-day social problems result from the fact that society increasingly follows two secular and cynical revisions of the Golden Rule. The first revision declares, "He who has the gold rules." This rule reinforces the most negative aspects of our competitive economic system by asserting that financial might makes right. It is the modern version of the divine right of kings, the notion that whoever has the most material power deserves to get their way.
I guess applying to these rule is certainly the key for our differences to be able to live harmoniously in this world. each and every one of us has their own explanation as well as implications to these thought. We are living in one place with different beliefs, different principles, different religions, different gods and a lot more. The important thing is that we apply this to our own life and that we would be able to reach that peace we dreaming of.
What are the signs and symptoms of a person who has contracted the A(H1N1) virus? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency of the US Health Department and Human Services, the symptoms of A(H1N1) virus are similar to those of regular influenza. A person develops cough, fever, headache and chills. He/She will feel weak and fatigued. Other cases have also reportedvomiting and diarrhea.
People who are 65 years and above and children below five years old are at higher risk of contracting the virus. Immunocompromised patients or people with weak immune systems (e.g., cancer patients and transplant recipients), patients with chronic medical conditions, and pregnant women also face a higher risk of infection if exposed to the virus.
Since the A(H1N1) virus spreads from person to person, transmission is quick, but like other infectious diseases, also preventable. Precautionary measures include:
Experts advice that regular hand washing is still the best defense against the spread of diseases. Antiviral medications are already available in the market for the treatment of the A(H1N1) virus.
Their private escapades gleefully romped right out of the bedroom and been hitting into into pirated DVD release, found mostly in ASIA. Now it’s a FEAST for the EYES of everybody. These downloaded-for-a-quick-buck DVDs are known to be openly sold at night markets in MALAYSIA, along the streets of Silom in THAILAND, and in homeland PHILIPPINES, amongst others. They sell like hot cakes, raking in great profits, distribution rights tossed aside, courtesy of HAYDEN KHO. Everyone enjoys a free ride, get the drift?
And they’d readily spread their tentacles far and wide whenever they smell something looming in the horizon. More than one year ago, they were peddling EDISON CHEN sex DVDs with glee. This time round, HAYDEN KHO has shaken off EDISON CHEN and unexpectedly usurped his throne. Not that EDISON is complaining. He is in fact only too pleased to bestow the undesirable crown onto HAYDEN. No matter what happen people will still be curious of those videos.
Although government agencies are trying to settle everything and put this to justice. This saga continues on extended issues likewise just like bomb that explodes and with domino effect that will continually affect everyone. Many names have been drugged to this scandal. We are subject to these issues pertaining to the abuse of women or generally being an individual. Scandals just like these are not new! We are asking our legislators to act now. we are a people of REACTION and not of ANTICIPATION.When we will be learning our own lessons here. We are responsible with our own acts. Let us me reminded with our values and morals. Living in this society that affects everyone.
Damage has been done and hope it will soon be forgotten and just like death, when human body that return to earth and give life and a new beginning that will give hope to the people involve.
We hope for the best, hoping that justice will prevail. Punish who's responsible for these scenario.
As the economic recession affects everything around the world, as Entertainment industry such as this will be greatly affected also. This year a lot of anticipation on the industry success will bring innovations and schemes to its promising future. Low budget films I guess will be there in form of Independent Films. This embarks the new era of film production in the
THIS YEAR ANOTHER WORLD ACCLAIMED CREATION FROM SIR BRILLANTE MENDOZA's KINATAY ( means butchered). This thriller film give him this years BEST DIRECTOR in this recent concluded CANNES FILM FESTIVAL 2009. He is the first Filipino to won an award in this category. KUDOS to the MASTER. Another Philippine Pride.