I believed that he adorned whatever subject he either spoke or wrote upon, by the most splendid eloquence. For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, "It might have been". REGRETS in LIFE, FRUSTRATIONS, ANGST, LOVE, DESIRE and any EMOTION must be EXPRESSED.In any culture, subculture or family in which belief is valued above thought, and self surrender is valued above self - expression, and conformity is valued above integrity, those who preserve their self - esteem are likely to be heroic EXPRESSIONS. We deal with our own self, with our own persona that will affect people around us. Its up to us to see whether we are here to HELP or to DESTROY HUMANITY and the WORLD. Happiness is an expression of the soul in considered actions. With this actions we are affecting each and every creature in the WORLD. With our own little way we can change the WORLD. In this way, in our own little way we CAN.

In many ways we can express our selves the important thing is that we deliver the message and be understand by the people. In this case BLOGGING may be one of the best tool I can use to express my self. I amy be wrong or right to what I say, I am proud to say that I stood for wht I believe and I speak up with my mind.
Let me WELCOME you all to my LITTLE WORLD of self - expression and let us respond to what the WORLD calls. I am humbly, greatful, honored and delighted to SHARE my insights, aspirations, goals and dreams.
Cool! I Love it