"The Greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain". Loving is a feeling that brings both joy and pain in the heart. Joy from being with people you loved, being filled with an emotion so deep and tender that no other feeling can compare, you feel secured and safe. Pain on the other hand, knowing that you're so in love, more vulnerable than you've ever imagine.
Ache, gripe, hurt, misery, pang, paroxysm, prick, sting, stitch, strain, throb, throe, tingle, torment, torture... anything you have to say about pain? Everyone of us can feel pain and are vulnerable to it. Yes its a true, fact that we a very complex being has a sure point of weakness, one thing that would tear me down and bring a hurtful teaching. This pain cannot be seen in the flesh like a wound after falling, the scars does not heal like a scratch wound or inflammation, this scar remain forever in our heart and time comes when it will bleed again, again and again. Rejection, failures in studies, failure in love, failure in different areas, relationship problems, disappointment's, rage, depression, sorrow, the silent tears that hides it self in me. Sometimes I really feel so weak that I don't have the capacity to handle situations. With all the aggravations and suffering in the world. I am not saying that living would brings me agony in life but as human we will be experiencing pain.
I experience this in my life, the human race have this common pain yet I don't seem to learn not to inflict it to others, instead of helping I make it worse, instead of being concern, I reject out of fear of being too concern to a depressed person, scared that they will just get themselves in a whole lot of trouble. How utterly ridiculous I can be sometimes and I am not saying I don't do it myself sometimes, I cant deny that I all have at least done something hurtful to someone else either consciously or not. Yes I am not that perfect, but I guess everyone does. I am not solely the one who feel this. I guess being aware of what I so with other people limit me to get involve more deeper with them. I admit that I my self I do have shortcomings and done havoc in other people's life.
The funny thing is how come when I try to help that friend in need, sometimes I don't know that all they want is an earpieces for just a while and not a microphone to point out the obvious mistake they already know they are facing. Its good I am, at least trying to help that someone but please don't tell them cliche thing, they already know it all, just sit and listen, if need be given them a crying shoulder or a hug, cause that's what they really need in this kind of time. The irony of it is, I also need that thing... Why I always ended up the one helping and listen to other people that I am also really needs it. Another clear thing is how I tend to make matters worse sometimes and I can be a witness to that, once I had some problems with the 'bird n bees' ahem! I was baffled how come I tend to lose out the girl I meet, so I went into a period of disappointment, my friends were very kind by showing me support, trying to comfort me. But what made me very upset is after that she herself went to get a boyfriend and starts to show off in front of me. I don't have a grudge against her but this makes me want to be better than her. My whole point is I know the pain that I go through, I can't help each other to get through this stage of hurt and suffering, can't help these people? Cant help them with their problems? Then all I can live life peacefully and happily. Do the pain is unseen but it has a great effect on that someone, like I say it can even kill someone.
One of the many basic questions on every human’s heart in life, especially as it relates to God, has to deal with pain and suffering. Why does God allow pain and suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? I guess this makes us human... to feel pain... and in the end of the day learn and be stronger and better for the future. Feel free to respond if you agree, disagree, or have thoughts of your own about the issue that I address. But I thing I am certain... I am living in pain... not necessarily on loving someone but the totality of being a person, being an individual, being human... ITS UNAVOIDABLE CURSE SO YOU MUST DEAL WITH IT.