My outlook on life is that we should not take for granted one day of life. It will pass quicker than you realize. Why not value it and learn something from every day you've been given? Appreciate those in your life and make sure that they know they mean something to you now. Don't waste your time with people whose main purpose in life is to tear down others. Eventually it will discourage you and make you feel miserable inside. Open your eyes and heart to what life has to offer. It is not all rosy and easy, but life is to be valued. Try to see the little blessings around you that really can't be bought with money. Try to make someone feel special who may not quite fit in, such as that person who is a little different, maybe is a little slower (the one the unkind people make fun of) maybe the one who has to live with disabilities, or is aged.You will feel great inside and a better human being for being kind. Try to learn what your talents are in life and use them for the good and maybe you'll inspire someone.
It's all about self expression "I AM HERE TO EXPRESS AND NOT TO IMPRESS"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
ALL WE NEED IS POSITIVITY: Enough of the strife and negativity in this BIG WORLD!
My outlook on life is that we should not take for granted one day of life. It will pass quicker than you realize. Why not value it and learn something from every day you've been given? Appreciate those in your life and make sure that they know they mean something to you now. Don't waste your time with people whose main purpose in life is to tear down others. Eventually it will discourage you and make you feel miserable inside. Open your eyes and heart to what life has to offer. It is not all rosy and easy, but life is to be valued. Try to see the little blessings around you that really can't be bought with money. Try to make someone feel special who may not quite fit in, such as that person who is a little different, maybe is a little slower (the one the unkind people make fun of) maybe the one who has to live with disabilities, or is aged.You will feel great inside and a better human being for being kind. Try to learn what your talents are in life and use them for the good and maybe you'll inspire someone.
The funny thing is how come when I try to help that friend in need, sometimes I don't know that all they want is an earpieces for just a while and not a microphone to point out the obvious mistake they already know they are facing. Its good I am, at least trying to help that someone but please don't tell them cliche thing, they already know it all, just sit and listen, if need be given them a crying shoulder or a hug, cause that's what they really need in this kind of time. The irony of it is, I also need that thing... Why I always ended up the one helping and listen to other people that I am also really needs it. Another clear thing is how I tend to make matters worse sometimes and I can be a witness to that, once I had some problems with the 'bird n bees' ahem! I was baffled how come I tend to lose out the girl I meet, so I went into a period of disappointment, my friends were very kind by showing me support, trying to comfort me. But what made me very upset is after that she herself went to get a boyfriend and starts to show off in front of me. I don't have a grudge against her but this makes me want to be better than her. My whole point is I know the pain that I go through, I can't help each other to get through this stage of hurt and suffering, can't help these people? Cant help them with their problems? Then all I can live life peacefully and happily. Do the pain is unseen but it has a great effect on that someone, like I say it can even kill someone.
In our present time we are fortunate to live as FREEMEN as they say. If we recollect our own HISTORY, In every NATION'S HISTORY we could see suffering, bondage, injustice, violence, remorse, agony and a lot more. Every NATION, every COUNTRY have it's own GLORIOUS PAST for FREEDOM. As to the PHILIPPINES that has been COLONIZED by SPAIN for more than 300 YEARS, UNDER by AMERICANS, HOSTAGE by the JAPANESE, what we are now today? EVERYTHING in the PAST is HISTORY for now but what we are TODAY? FILIPINOS are FREE! ARE WE? During my GRADE SCHOOL I was able to have this SPEECH memorized which until now is very clear to my consciousness. VERY VIVID that embarked to my HEART. A piece from RAUL MANGLAPUS. Please read and understand:
Land of Bondage, Land of the Free
By: Raul Manglapus
The tao does not come here tonight to be judged -- but to judge! Hear then his accusation and his sentiments:
I indict the Spanish encomendero for inventing taxes impossible to pay!
You accuse me of IGNORANCE. But I am IGNORANT because my master finds it profitable to keep me ignorant. Free me from bondage, and I shall prove you false!You accuse me of INDOLENCE. But I am INDOLENT not because I have no will, but because I have no hope.Why should I labor if the fruits of my labor go to extinguish and inextinguishable debt! Free me from bondage, and I will prove you false! GIVE ME LAND. LAND TO OWN. Land unbeholden to any tyrant. LAND THAT WILL BE FREE. Give me land for I am starving. Give me land that my children will not die.Sell it to me. Sell it to me at a fair price as one free man sells to another. And not as a usurer sells to a slave.
I AM POOR. But I will pay it! I will work and work until I fall with weariness for my privilege and my right to be free!
But if you will not grant me this last request. This ultimate demand, then build a wall around your house... build it high!... build it strong!... place a sentry on every parapet... for I who have been silent these three hundred years, will come in the night when you are feasting, with my cry and my bolo at your door...And may God have mercy on your soul!
Though this was intended to the conquerors the colonizers, this might be applicable to our present times. I believed we are still oppressed and tortured. We are still fighting for that light. We are still searching for our own IDENTITY for our OWN SELF as FILIPINOS. We may be lucky enough to have this so called DEMOCRACY, but let us be vigilant still, be intelligent enough for there is no one who can help our selves but us FILIPINOS.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I don't know how to end this up... LIFE? Hmm... that's how it goes....In life, we always search for answers because we want to prove ourselves that we had the right decisions, but the truth is we can't search for what's not there. Things happen because they're meant to happen. That's why we forgive people who don't love us and we smile despite every painful crash in our hearts. At the end of the day, the lessons you get are the answers to your decisions. These are the things that makes me as well as you a BETTER and a STRONGER PERSON.
In many ways we can express our selves the important thing is that we deliver the message and be understand by the people. In this case BLOGGING may be one of the best tool I can use to express my self. I amy be wrong or right to what I say, I am proud to say that I stood for wht I believe and I speak up with my mind.
Let me WELCOME you all to my LITTLE WORLD of self - expression and let us respond to what the WORLD calls. I am humbly, greatful, honored and delighted to SHARE my insights, aspirations, goals and dreams.