How to make a guy fall in love is a feeling in men that women have tried to learn for years. Women have fallen in love with a guy that never did feel the same way about her. I do not care who you ask for advice, they all have different answers to what makes a guy fall in love with you. It is not rocket science, when a woman knows what she is doing, she will see what she needs to do to appeal to the man she wants.
When you make a man notice how much better he feels when he is with you, you are well on your way of how to make a guy fall in love. When you get him to feel better about himself, you are opening a part of his heart that has the love in it. One way this is done, is to find something about him you like a lot and praise him for it. Never go over board with this, just be truthful with him, and just let him know you appreciate this about him.
One last tip to give you is that you want to acquire the heart of a man is that you have to be unlike the other lady. When you think about having a guy plummet in love, you may think you need to dress up properly or play hard ball, will get his interest to you. Believe me, all unattached women are doing this. You want to be a woman standing on your own in the world, he will become aware of you. When you are talking to him make eye contact and be sincere and undemanding. Men love women who can be them selves and have fun no matter what.For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. WE will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. LOVE LOVE LOVE